Tag Archive | leaves

Happy Holidays

Dear Elizabeth,

Today is Valentine’s Day, and it’s the last day of this year’s long Chinese/Lunar New Year break, which was a whopping nine days this year. It ended up being 10 for me, though, as Friday is my usual day off—meaning we got to start a day earlier than most.

I had plans to get a lot done over the break, including this letter, yet here I am at the very end still playing catch-up. This is the life of a parent—busy, busy, busy; however, I wouldn’t want it any other way. So this is going to be a long read and will include tons of photos taken over the past several weeks.

The new-year break was great. We got a lot of sleep, played a lot, ate really well. Overall, it was 10 days of mostly laid-back family time, with a couple trips into Taipei to see friends, and one day of you and Selina hanging out with her big family—getting to see all of those great-aunts and -uncles who adore you so much; all the cousins, and even getting to meet a few new ones—and a lot of fine dining out.

We ended up celebrating Valentine’s a day early due to a last-minute change of plans with some friends who were planning on visiting. That was my getting up early to make a yummy breakfast of cheddar scrambled eggs and homemade berry muffins. I also surprised your mother with a Swarovski necklace. It’s so hard to believe how fast time is passing. Only a year ago we celebrated our first V’Day together.

So to recap what has gone on lately…

Shortly before the holiday break, we stopped over to visit and have dinner with Little Uncle (小舅) and his family. Here you are with Selina’s youngest cousin, who according to Google is your first cousin once removed. We so far have kept it simple, teaching you to call him 哥哥—Chinese for “elder brother.” (This is one of your more recent and favorite words to say, and you use it with nearly everyone, but have shown that you know who it really applies to.)


We also had another play date with Yo-yo and his parents, this time going to Bear’s World in Taipei, which so far has proven to be the coolest play place around. There’s so much to do there that you two little ones were pretty much on your own to play, run around, and us four big people got to relax a bit, chat, and just enjoy watching you do what you do best.


You really enjoyed the sand box, so much that we couldn’t get you to budge even when there was singing and dancing going on just outside the room.

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Afterward, we walked to Voodoo Doughnut for a good ol’ American-style sugar fix.

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Remember that cold spell that I mentioned in the last letter? Well, it was something very worthy of mention. In fact, at least here in the north, almost everywhere saw snow. It didn’t stick except in the higher places, but even in the city we saw flakes dropping. For a subtropical/tropical island, that sort of thing turns a nationwide fiesta. At home, though, it meant having the heaters cranked most of the time, and venturing out very little. But we did a little use of our dusty winter wear.

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Back to more recent days…

We often go play at the tiny park just across from our apartment complex. Your two favorite things to do there are zoom down the slide, usually face-first, and pick up fallen leaves. You have shown to be fascinated with most everything around you, but leaves seem to be a particular object that you’ve taken to. Here you are proudly toting them around the playground.

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Watermelon still seems to be one of your favorite foods. Well, at least when we go out for hot pot. That’s one thing you seem to not be able to get enough of.

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And a few days ago I gave you a whole egg—you’ve been rather assertive in establishing independence at eating time. Look how much you enjoyed that!

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Our final trip out for this CNY holiday was nearby to Goat World, a small farm in Zhongli. Considering your fascination with animals, it’s fair to say you had a lot of fun, and you didn’t mind the smells one bit. One of your most enjoyable experiences was clearly feeding the goats.

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A few more small updates on developmental milestones: You have continued progressing in becoming more and more vocal, adding a whole sort of new sounds. You’ve picked the aforementioned 哥哥, and use it quite liberally, and “mama” has become more and more pronounced. Following our constant correcting of calling other little girls 姐姐 (translation: elder sister), you’ve managed to spit that out a few times. You’ve learned to point to yourself and say 寶寶 (Chinese for “baby”), and do the same when we say “baby,” as well as your names, Elizabeth and 懿君. You have also added a few signs to your baby-signing repertoire: those for “diaper,” “change diaper,” “stop” and “no more.”

I don’t know where you stand in terms of the average for your age, but you’re already wearing 2T clothes, so we’re going to be investing in a lot of new clothes this coming spring and summer. And you have the appetite to show for it.

So, to close, it’s been far too long, and I’m sorry I haven’t been able to keep in touch as often as I’d like. The truth is we’ve been having way too much fun. And you’re growing so, so fast. (Your mother, on the other hand, continues to get younger.)


I have to take advantage of every moment I can to be there beside you, being a part of the adorable little girl you’re all too quickly blossoming into.

I’m blessed, beyond words, with the sweetest two valentines a man could ask for, and I couldn’t be any happier with what life has handed me.

