Show time!

Dear Alexander,

So at your checkup this past Monday, Dr. Jimmy said Mom could come in the week any time and they would induce labor. You have shown no interest in coming out on your own. So she decided we would do it Friday morning—first thing after breakfast we’d head down to the hospital, check in, and hopefully get to see you sometime that same day, or early Saturday morning.

Tonight, as per my usual 9:00 Thursday night routine, I called to say goodnight to Elizabeth. Selina was at that moment having her fourth contraction that hour—that was a record so far. But Dr. Jimmy said not to make the move to the hospital until it was four to six contractions. So Selina brushed it off, saying we could wait till the morning, as planned.

I checked in with her after getting off the freeway in Taoyuan, and headed to the store to stock up on a few groceries for the coming few days. She was now at seven contractions, and thinking it was probably time to go to the ER. She said she could wait for me to get home—I was only five minutes away, 19 minutes with picking up the groceries and getting back on the road.

As I was checking out, my phone was ringing and buzzing. I knew it was urgent. She said her water has broke, that there was a little bleeding, and needed to go right away. (Elizabeth was fast asleep.)

So with the ambulance in route, I flew home as fast as I could safely and semi-legally, and raced upstairs. I went in, arms loaded with work stuff and groceries, and she was out the door to meet the ambulance downstairs.

I couldn’t get Elizabeth to wake up, so I called your grandparents to ask if they could help. Grandpa came right over and waited while I packed a small bag for your sister, wrapped her in a blanket, and we took her to your grandparents’ house. I flew to the hospital.

So we’re here now. It’s going on 2:00 AM, and your mom is having constant contractions. She’s got an epidural, so I assume it’s helping mitigate some of the pain.

You obviously want to do things on your own terms. But please be gentle on your mother.

I’ll see you very, very soon.


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