Tag Archive | cycling

10 Months

Dear Elizabeth,

Today marks 10 months since you officially joined us. That means we’re only two months away from your first birthday. Time is flying by faster and faster than ever, and there’s so much fun happening as we watch you grow and begin interacting more and more with us and the rest of your little world.

For starters, you’re about to see your first tooth breaking in. Selina told me today that you were making clinking sounds as you drank water from your water glass. It’s not quite visible yet, but will be very soon. You’ve been teething already for a couple months, and at times that has meant howling in pain, severe moodiness, and we’ve done all right through most of it, but we’re also ready to see some of those adorable little pearly whites and look forward to your ability to begin chewing. For you that will mean a whole new level of foods that we can introduce, too.

One of your favorite things to do just the past week or so has been to play with the fasteners on your diaper, to the point of taking the whole thing off. This has resulted in a few surprises for your mother and me. Several days ago we were busy chatting as you played alone in your play pen. I turned to see you jumping up and down, happily watching us, with something bulky and white in your hand, waving around like a newfound toy. We quickly discovered it was your diaper. From that moment, it’s meant several times you’ve removed your diaper. Once even involved a poopy one, and you had already gotten to your little mess before Mom could intervene. We’ve tried adding an extra layer outside ever since. And last night, you got your very first time out as a result of your insistence on opening your diaper. I didn’t like having to be so firm with you, but you’ve already shown that you have both your mom and dad’s stubbornness–“no,” even gently smacking your hands, despite your cries of protest still didn’t stop you from trying to open and remove your diaper. So you ended up alone in your crib, screaming and wailing. I think it worked.

We’ve also been allowing you out of your playpen to romp around parts of the house, mainly the living room. You find this so exciting and seem to never tire of it. We’ve thus begun babyproofing that area, starting with installing baby gates on the extra bedroom and kitchen. (Once I figure out how to get videos into these, I’ll have a bunch more to show you of these fun milestones.)

One of your newfound hobbies is removing and playing with Mom’s shoes.

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In your swimming class, you’ve advanced to level 3. That’s actually pretty impressive considering you’ve been in class only once a week and since only May. And you love being in the water. Grandma also came along one time to your swimming class. She seemed to like watching you and Selina playing in the water.

Here are a few photos from last week, with your classmate Yo-yo and his mom, Lily. (We’ve recently become friends with them.)

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It’s been rather cool for September, so we’ve started clothing you at times when we go out. You haven’t liked that much, but it’s made many close to us breathe sighs of relief.

I finally got our bicycles ready, the rack all ready on the car, and we’ve been out a couple times riding in our neighborhood. You seem to enjoy it a lot. If the weather continues to be nice, we’ll venture a bit from home and make a day of it soon. It cost a fair sum of money getting all this stuff, so we definitely want to make use of it before winter hits.

You’ve also become especially attached to me, which has been a bit tough at times. This has meant increasing separation anxiety when I leave for work. In fact, oftentimes just leaving the room to go to another room, to use the toilet, shower, etc., causes an eruption from you. And as soon as I walk in the door, you want me to pick you up that very moment. But I also love the extra attention and affection from you. So much of my time as a father has been spent enjoying the simplest of things: holding you and carrying you around the house, watching you sleep, playing and playing and playing, as well as all these fascinating little milestones and characteristics you’re beginning to develop.

Here are a few more recent photos of you.

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At our favorite hot pot restaurant, in Bade

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Hanging out and playing with Grandpa and Grandma

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More fun with Mom’s shoes

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All dolled up


Your playpen, v. 2


My two beautiful ladies

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Playing with yogurt


You just keeping doing what you do best, my darling Elizabeth–being adorable.




Dad’s Photo Time Capsule


I was reading through some of these letters and realized that they’re severely lacking photos. I’d thought to paste a few into my original self-introduction letter, but then couldn’t narrow the photos down to only a few, so instead I’ve decided to throw a bunch together here — your little “taking a trip back in time through Dad’s photos” collage.

I’ve added captions, and they’re all clickable in case you’d like to enlarge them.



Me as a baby


Me as a baby


Elementary school yearbook photo


Elementary school yearbook photo


5th grade yearbook photo


High school ID, freshman year

me and dad

With my father at his house in Skykomish, WA — age 17


Late-teens to very early-20s (I’d just woken up; Grandma Stewart took it.)


At a cabin with friends for the weekend (Yes, I was driving the limo.) — age 20


Me with Lisa Loeb and Dweezil Zappa on a harbor cruise, Seattle, late-1997 (age 22)


With my first local friends in Taipei, 1998


With Minnie Mouse, at a friend’s restaurant in Taipei, 1998


With a friend’s baby daughter — age 24ish (I’d shaved my head for a Brazilian jujitsu class.)

After getting my first pair of glasses (early 2000)

After getting my first pair of glasses (early 2000)


At the Skagit Tulip Festival — 2000/1ish



2001 試試看黑頭髮 copy

My painful experiment with black hair (2002)

At an old friend’s wedding with two very lucky ladies

2002 跟最好的朋友玩 copy

Monkeying around with Sam, at his parents’ house in Santa Cruz, Thanksgiving 2002


One of my favorite selfies, taken at a little cafe in Danshui when I lived out there.

me 2006 danshui

Outside Bossa Nova, at Qian Shui Wan, Sanzhi (2006)

2006 日月潭划船 copy

Rowing across Sun Moon Lake, Chinese New Year 2006


Checking out (and thoroughly enjoying) the opening of the first Coldstone in Tianmu (Taipei City)


Philosophizing over a cold Hoegaarden, my longtime favorite beer, with Sean, my favorite non-shoe-wearing treehugger colleague, at Alleycat’s Tianmu, another longtime favorite

Sightseeing in Yilan, 2006

Sightseeing in Yilan, 2006

me 2007 yilan

Cycling at Dongshan River Water Park, at the 2007 Yilan Children’s Folklore & Folkgames Festival

me 2007 suao

Cooling off with a sour plum juicesicle, in Yilan, 2007


Sporting my new tailored suit (required attire when I was teaching at the hospital)


Uncle Ron, me, Uncle Terry (L to R) visiting Grandma Stewart at Swedish Medical Center, 2007


A little sitting meditation while visiting Glacier National Park, 2008

me with goatie

Running the pub quiz at Alleycat’s Tianmu


Monkeying around at Snoqualmie Falls, with Grandma Stewart and Uncle Terry (2010)


Alki Beach, Seattle (2010)


Having a few laughs with Grandma Stewart, at Lincoln Park in West Seattle, 2010


Friday is my favorite day of the week, but not for the same reason that others might claim to love it so much. This is my work-at-home day, so I get to sleep in a bit, spend time with Selina before she heads off to work, make breakfast for the both of us, and enjoy the day doing whatever needs to be done work-wise, or otherwise.

Today I made us fried eggs and a hot cereal — a mix of flax seeds, chopped pecans, cornmeal, milk, honey, frozen berry medley, dried cranberries, and steel-cut oats. I’m sure you enjoyed it as much as we did.

I took advantage of this unusual summer weather (in spring) and rode my bike down to Daxi. Perhaps it was cabin fever, but I think it was just that I needed both to be out in the sun and to enjoy the ride, the fresh air, the exercise. And what I workout I got! My destination was a riverside park, and it happened to be at the bottom of a very large hill (might have been a small mountain). On the way down was so much fun! But coming back up hurt like hell.

With the weather warming up, I hope to do more of this sort of thing, for one to help stave off the sympathy weight gain that is so common among dads-to-be.

On the way, I came across the Republic of Chocolate, on — believe it or not — Chocolate St. How cool is that?

Chocolate Street

Once you’re big enough, we’ll definitely have to make the trip there together, maybe even on bikes. With my genes, I’m sure you’ll be a chocoholic, too.